The lives of America's horses are in the balance, their fate in the hands of the US Senate.
Amendments introduced by House Representatives to prevent horse slaughter from returning to the US and prevent the slaughter of tens of thousands of wild horses in government holding facilities and out on the range were blocked by the House Committee on Rules, and therefore did not go to the full House for a vote.
Special interest groups are pushing hard to bring back slaughter to the US and remove all of the wild horses from public lands, even though 80% of Americans oppose slaughter and support managing wild horses in the wild!
Please contact your Senators IMMEDIATELY, and let them know you:
DO NOT want horse slaughter inspection to be funded in the US;
DO NOT want protections removed from wild horses transferred to other government agencies;
DO NOT want healthy, adoptable wild horses to be destroyed by any method.
Remember, this is YOUR tax dollars, and you need to make your voice heard on how your taxes are used.
Use the link below to find your Senators' fax numbers. Faxes are just as effective as a phone call. Don't have a fax machine? No worries. Create a letter in Word or convert to a PDF file, attach the file, and send! There's no charge. For a Sample Letter to your Senator, click on the links below.
Once the horses are gone from the wild, they will be lost forever. Horse slaughter is a predatory business, and does not provide a humane death.
Amendments introduced by House Representatives to prevent horse slaughter from returning to the US and prevent the slaughter of tens of thousands of wild horses in government holding facilities and out on the range were blocked by the House Committee on Rules, and therefore did not go to the full House for a vote.
Special interest groups are pushing hard to bring back slaughter to the US and remove all of the wild horses from public lands, even though 80% of Americans oppose slaughter and support managing wild horses in the wild!
Please contact your Senators IMMEDIATELY, and let them know you:
DO NOT want horse slaughter inspection to be funded in the US;
DO NOT want protections removed from wild horses transferred to other government agencies;
DO NOT want healthy, adoptable wild horses to be destroyed by any method.
Remember, this is YOUR tax dollars, and you need to make your voice heard on how your taxes are used.
Use the link below to find your Senators' fax numbers. Faxes are just as effective as a phone call. Don't have a fax machine? No worries. Create a letter in Word or convert to a PDF file, attach the file, and send! There's no charge. For a Sample Letter to your Senator, click on the links below.
Once the horses are gone from the wild, they will be lost forever. Horse slaughter is a predatory business, and does not provide a humane death.

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