Reps. Dina Titus (NV), Peter King (NY), and Jared Polis (CO) have introduced an amendment to the Interior Appropriations bill that counteracts the amendment introduced by Chris Stewart (UT) allowing the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to destroy healthy unadopted wild horses and burros. The Stewart amendment passed the House Appropriations Committee by voice vote. As it stands now, the Titus-King-Polis amendment MUST pass the full House in order to restore protections for our wild horses and burros, and prevent funds being used for their destruction. If the amendment does NOT pass, all wild horses and burros in short and long term holding, as well as out on the range, are in danger of being destroyed (SHOT!) by our government.
Reps.Vern Buchanan (FL), Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA), Ed Royce, CA), and Earl Blumenauer, (OR) introduced an amendment to the Agriculture Appropriations bill that would prevent the USDA from funding horse slaughterhouse inspectors. Similar language did not pass the House Appropriations Committee, but the Udall-Graham Amendment passed the Senate. Because there is no federal ban on horse slaughter, each year language to prevent funding for horsemeat inspections is needed to prevent horse slaughterhouses from opening on US soil. The passage of the SAFE Act would ban horse slaughter in the US.
Lastly, there is still language in the Interior Appropriations bill that allows BLM to transfer wild horses and burros to other government agencies without protections afforded under the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act:
Reps.Vern Buchanan (FL), Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA), Ed Royce, CA), and Earl Blumenauer, (OR) introduced an amendment to the Agriculture Appropriations bill that would prevent the USDA from funding horse slaughterhouse inspectors. Similar language did not pass the House Appropriations Committee, but the Udall-Graham Amendment passed the Senate. Because there is no federal ban on horse slaughter, each year language to prevent funding for horsemeat inspections is needed to prevent horse slaughterhouses from opening on US soil. The passage of the SAFE Act would ban horse slaughter in the US.
Lastly, there is still language in the Interior Appropriations bill that allows BLM to transfer wild horses and burros to other government agencies without protections afforded under the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act:
What you can do: Please act NOW!! Call 202-224-3121 to be connected to your representatives.
Contact your Congressman/woman and tell them to support:
The Titus-King-Polis Amendment to restore the prohibition on destroying our wild horses and burros.
The Buchanan-Roybal-Allard-Royce-Blumenauer Amendment to prevent the funding of horse meat inspections.
Contact your Senators and tell them to oppose any language allowing wild horses and burros to be transferred to other government agencies without their protection under the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act.
Tell both your Senators and Congressperson to support the SAFE Act.
Contact your Congressman/woman and tell them to support:
The Titus-King-Polis Amendment to restore the prohibition on destroying our wild horses and burros.
The Buchanan-Roybal-Allard-Royce-Blumenauer Amendment to prevent the funding of horse meat inspections.
Contact your Senators and tell them to oppose any language allowing wild horses and burros to be transferred to other government agencies without their protection under the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act.
Tell both your Senators and Congressperson to support the SAFE Act.