CALL!!! FAX!!!! TWEET!!!! EMAIL!!!! DO IT NOW!!!!!!
An amendment introduced by Rep. Chris Stewart (UT-02) passed in the House Interior Appropriations bill removing the language that prevents funds to be used "for the destruction of healthy, unadopted, wild horses and burros in the care of the Bureau of it's contractors." The fact that the amendment added that funds could not be used "for the sale of wild horses and burros that results in their destruction for processing into commercial products INCLUDING FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION." is of little consolation for all of the horses and burros in holding and out on the range that will now be subject to destruction by the government. What this means is the government can shoot all of the horses as they round them up for any reason.
There ARE alternatives, but this HAS to be defeated before real solutions can be explored. BLM has mismanaged the Wild Hores and Burro program, creating a "crisis" situation, and their goal is total eradication of our mustangs and burros in the wild.
It's time to call your Senators as they will be voting on this issue next week. Please call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and an operator will connect you directly with your senators.
Let them know you do NOT support the destruction of America's wild horses and burros in government holding or on the range (public lands), or the removal of their wild horse and burro status when transferred to other agencies.
Also ask them to support the Udall-Graham amendment preventing the funding of USDA horsemeat inspections.
Time is of the essence, and if we don't speak out now, America's horses, both wild and domestic, are in peril of going to slaughter right here on US soil. We can't let this happen!!
An amendment introduced by Rep. Chris Stewart (UT-02) passed in the House Interior Appropriations bill removing the language that prevents funds to be used "for the destruction of healthy, unadopted, wild horses and burros in the care of the Bureau of it's contractors." The fact that the amendment added that funds could not be used "for the sale of wild horses and burros that results in their destruction for processing into commercial products INCLUDING FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION." is of little consolation for all of the horses and burros in holding and out on the range that will now be subject to destruction by the government. What this means is the government can shoot all of the horses as they round them up for any reason.
There ARE alternatives, but this HAS to be defeated before real solutions can be explored. BLM has mismanaged the Wild Hores and Burro program, creating a "crisis" situation, and their goal is total eradication of our mustangs and burros in the wild.
It's time to call your Senators as they will be voting on this issue next week. Please call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and an operator will connect you directly with your senators.
Let them know you do NOT support the destruction of America's wild horses and burros in government holding or on the range (public lands), or the removal of their wild horse and burro status when transferred to other agencies.
Also ask them to support the Udall-Graham amendment preventing the funding of USDA horsemeat inspections.
Time is of the essence, and if we don't speak out now, America's horses, both wild and domestic, are in peril of going to slaughter right here on US soil. We can't let this happen!!